Money doesn't grow on trees? Actually, it does! Bringing plants into your office space improves your indoor air quality and helps to reduce the stress levels of workers. Happy workers are more productive and have fewer sick days, so get thee to the garden depot at once.
Tag Archives: DIY green
3 Totally Awesome DIY Bike Lights
Well Ta friggin DA! Try these easy-to-follow DIY upcycled bike light instruction guides and turn your doh! bike into a glow bike in just a couple of easy steps. LED, ELwire and solar powered!
8 Surprisingly Super Ways to Reuse Coffee Grinds
Aside from making the world a happier place in the mornings and fueling the start to our day, coffee has many other uses. Don’t dump your precious grounds when next you brew yourself a cup, there’s so much you can do with them!
DIY Seed Bombs for Guerrilla Gardeners
A staple in the green living arsenal, the seed bombs are ready made planting factories just waiting for a friend to toss them in a bit of dirt (then again, who isn’t?) These clever little creations are seeds which have been encapsulated with soil and bound in clay. If you are walking down the street and spy a little crack in the pavement, just toss your seed bomb into any crevice or patch of soil you find. With the first rains, your seed bomb will bloom into a lovely flower, veggie or herb. Here's how to make your own...
Greenmoxie Ebook for just $1.99!
Do you want to live a healthier, more eco-friendly life while saving tons of money? Damn skippy you do! We at Greenmoxie care deeply about you and your environment, so we're offering our Fun Guide to Sustainable Living at a discount so you can live leaner and greener.
Homemade Deodorant Recipes that Actually WORK!
Here are some recipes that will keep your pits fragrant and chemical free. The coconut oil and shea butter are brilliant for creating pits softer than a baby’s bum!