Tag Archives: green blog

DIY Father’s Day Gifts that are the Bomb Diggity

If you like you daily man-tenance regimen to be natural, the best way to ensure you aren’t using nasty chemicals is to make it your own damn self. Here is a great guide to everything you need to keep you looking even more handsome. 100% Manly. 100% Natural.

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Free 5 Days to Happy Guide

I get it; it’s been a long, cold winter and you’re in a funk. Perhaps you hate your job, don’t know what to do with your life, are bored to tears or are in a bad relationship. No matter what is getting your goat, we are going to move you from morbid to magnificent in just five days.

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DIY Healthy Dog Treat Recipes

Every dog must have its day and they must have healthy dog treats too! If you are tired of forking out a fortune for your party animal, then we are here to provide you with these amazing healthy DIY dog treat recipes. Make your own dog treats with organic ingredients so you can save money and ensure that your best friend eats well.

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Green Majority: People-Powered Media

We don’t need new parties; we need to tell our existing parties what we want them to do if they want our votes. Politicians are just conduits for your ideas, the problem is that people don’t take advantage of that. Their platforms are created on what they think get them elected – and you have the power to shape those platforms.

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