Tag Archives: green home

Green Living: Wearable Solar Fashion

This amazing new green living trend in fashion enables you to charge your personal devices while strutting your stuff. A collaboration between fashionista Pauline van Dongen and solar ninja Gertjan Jongerden overseen by Christiaan Holland has produced a sleek dress and coat with fold out solar panels that will have you looking Mortal Kombat chic.

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Green Living Stories to Restore your Faith in Humanity

Every now and again we like to remind ourselves (and you) just how far we have already come and just how much things are changing for the better. Here are some stories that will leave you with the sweet sweet feeling that humans are pretty cool after all. (That includes you, you awesome green warrior you!)

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Saving the Planet, One Broken Toaster at a Time

In the midst of our ‘buy, use, toss’ lifestyle, a sustainable mindset of fixing and reusing items is lost. It seems that the life expectancy of household items is getting shorter, and often people resort to buying new items rather than getting their old items fixed. The Toronto Repair Café plans to reverse this throwaway mentality by making green living consumers more aware of their repair skills and increasing the movement of ‘fixers’ for a repair-driven, environmentally friendly more sustainable future.

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Need Storage? Think Outside the Box

Green living: Store it Squirrel revolutionizes storage in Toronto. Part of our green living mantra is shared resources and no one does it better than Store it Squirrel. This Toronto-based storage company connects people who have extra space with those who wish to store goods. If you have an empty nest, an extra cupboard, a free basement or garage, Store it Squirrel can help you make a little extra money while helping out a neighbor.

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