Category Archives: Foraging

Tide Releases New Bio-Based Detergent

Adverse to the utilization of elbow grease, I am partial to cleaning products that suggest their powerful chemical compositions will reduce the need for waxing on and waxing off. I’m happy to never be a ninja if it means I can simply spray something on the dirt and then get back under the duvet.

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6 Ways to Make Your Patio more Eco-Friendly

green living

Looking for ways to make your outdoor patio look spacious and green? If you want to make it environment-friendly without spending too much, you can follow these simple steps. Going green is actually inexpensive and easy too. To help you get better ideas, here are some interesting tips:

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Matcha Zen’s Bomb Diggity Booty FREE Detox

This isn’t one of those crazy detoxes where you eat nothing but kale and purple carrots until you pass out in the middle of singing happy birthday to Doug from accounting. Nope, this is a real cleanse for real people who have a million things to do in a day.

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