Tag Archives: green home

Amazing Off Grid Homes you’d Love to Live In

green roof home

Solar power has made living off the grid easy and accessible. As solar panel technology boosts efficiency and the cost of panels goes down, more homeowners are opting to create their own, green eco-friendly energy which saves them money and ensures power even in inclement weather. Here are some of our favorite off-grid homes powered by solar panel systems.

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Keep Your Cool the Green Living Way

Green living expert

With warm summer days upon us, we’re all trying to minimize indoor temperatures in order to maximize performance. Other than blasting the A/C, what can we do to keep cool? Here are some eco-friendly tips on cooling your home (and yourself!) when the heat is oppressive outside.

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Study Finds Vegetarians Live 20% Longer

Green living expert

Food industries are enormous contributors to greenhouse gas emissions; especially the meat-producing industries. The study not only found that vegetarian diet produced a third less emissions, but also that the mortality rate for meat-eaters was almost 20% higher. 

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Soothing Lavender Spray Recipe Calms Anxiety

Calming lavender spray recipe

If spring is taking too long to get here, your job’s getting you down or you’re just feeling a little snippy, then you can spray the Grinch away with this wonderful DIY soothing spray. Studies show that aromatherapy has the ability to calm the nerves, reduce blood pressure and soothe the jagged soul. Works on kids, pets and cranky coworkers too!

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Easy-to-Grow Edible Flowers

edible plant

It's time to start planning your summer garden and one way to combine food production with aesthetic appeal is to grow edible flowers. You can add flowers to your salads and teas or use them as pretty garnishes for all your favorite dishes.

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