Tag Archives: green living blog

DIY Upcycled Cocktail Umbrella Lamp


Cocktails were drunk and fun was had by all, now you've got a phalanx of umbrellas (yes, that's right, a phalanx - I looked it up!) You can upcycle those happy little cocktail umbrellas to make a gorgeous lampshade as a memento to good times.

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Your Momma! Best Mother’s Day Gift List EVER

Green living blogger

It’s that time of year when you get to give a little back to the lady who gave you life. This year, put a little added love into your gift by making it a green one. Here is the Greenmoxie list of great green living gifts for mums.

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Hunt for your Herbs: Awesome things to do with Dandelions

Green living blogger

There is something about foraging that I find intoxicating. So I googled the benefits of dandelions. Wow! Are you kidding me, so much nutrition and it grows so abundantly, why on earth are we not tapping into this? Learn about the amazing benefits and nutritional value of dandelions. A great green living way to eat organic and local!

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DIY Green Spring Cleaning Tips

DIY spring clean

We all want to help protect and preserve the planet. After all, earth is our home, and its future is at stake. However, we also want to keep our living spaces clean and sanitary, as well as avoiding harmful toxic products. Here are some awesome DIY green living tips for a healthy spring cleanup.

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A Light Bulb Moment: Great Upcycling Ideas

Green living home

If you've still got old light bulbs hanging about and need some bright ideas for upcycling projects, then we're your lights in shining armor! With these great ideas which you can all do at home, it will be love at first light. Get your family to help you too - after all, many hands make light work. OK, I'm done....

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